
An amazing portal towards restoring balance and alignment

Reconnect to the wisdom of your body

Did you know that the human is the only species that tends to holds its breath under stress, pressure, attack or trauma? Every other animal accelerates the breath and release the stress through its rapid breathing and shaking of the body, thereby instinctively rebalancing the nervous system and restoring homeostasis. Babies respond to pressure like other mammals by breathing faster and then releasing tension through screaming, pounding or crying. As we grow up, we gradually loose our ability to naturally rebalance our system through learned beliefs and behaviours around fear, shame and anger that result in us controlling these instinctual release mechanisms and thus, unbeknown to us, storing these tensions and pains in our bodies where they (if not tended to) gradually manifest all sorts of symptoms, psychologically, emotionally and physically.

This constriction of the breath is not uncommon. Take, for example, any time you are afraid, upset or in shock. Or the number of times you find yourself anxious or under stress. When this happens you most likely withdraw from these types of emotional situations using the breath to control your feelings. You do this in an attempt to be self-protective and not feel “negative” feelings. What you are actually doing, though, is suppressing and repressing the negative emotional energy of the experience into your body.

Working with your breath is a wonderful way of releasing all those repressed emotional energies. Transformational Breath will give you the opportunity to allow your body to show you the places that contain contracted energy and release blockages, so that your breath and thus your life force can flow more freely. Once learnt, the technique is yours for life to use as you see fit throughout your journey.

Transformational Breath®

When using the Transformational Breath technique, we open up and clear the restricted breathing patterns you have. At the same time, we observe your breathing pattern and identify blockages and contractions in your breath. You will then be guided to a full, connected and open diaphragmatic breath by combining hands-on acupressure, sound, movement and positive affirmations.

Thus you will learn to breathe more effectively and easily by training your entire respiratory system to take in as much oxygen as possible. There are so many varied benefits to breathing a more open and fuller breath, that are described below. Ultimately, after only one session, you will find yourself feeling lighter and more peaceful, and physically tingling with renewed life-force energy.

Once the breath is open and flowing, this deep, full and circular breathing pattern creates an opening to the subconscious mind. Breathing into previously closed places allows negativity to surface, bringing up repressed emotions and memories, as well as other patterns of dense or blocked energy.

As feelings, thoughts and physical sensations arise during a breathing session, you are supported and encouraged to simply allow the process to happen. Trusting that everything you are feeling is natural and safe. Instead of resisting any uncomfortable emotions or bodily sensations, you are encouraged to breathe into those emotions in order to integrate them. 

Physical Health Benefits

Physical health, cellular health and fully oxygenated/energised cells are deeply intertwined. Oxygen and energy travel together in the vehicle of the breath; hence breath is – quite literally – life. There are various symptoms and physical issues that can be drastically improved or even fully healed by the power of even a single session of Transformational Breathwork.


The vast majority of us ‘live in our heads’. We lead busy lives, constantly receiving visual, mental and emotional stimulation. It It is very hard to stop the activity in our minds and drop into our bodies. Every breath induces relaxation, so breathing consciously will increase relaxation.


The true cause of allergy to any substance is a lowered oxidation process within the body, causing people to be sensitive to foreign substances entering the body. Only when the oxidation mechanism is restored to its original highest state of efficiency it can it be healed. Breath can do miracles.


It has been proven that the Transformational Breathing technique and other relaxation therapies can help reduce the frequency of migraine attacks and bolster your body's ability to manage stress. Increases and decreases in stress are common migraine triggers.

Immune System

Oxygen plays a pivotal role in the proper functioning of the immune system. Oxygen deficiency is the single greatest cause of all diseases. The more conscious we breath in oxygen, the more we boost our immune system.


Transformational Breathwork is not meant to replace Asthma medication, but it can be a helpful tool for managing some symptoms. It changes your breathing patterns, and can help you relax and expand your rib cage. 


For many clients, sleep patterns have greatly improved since practicing Breathwork. It helps you to drop off to sleep more easily and it will allow you to sleep undisturbed for longer periods of time.


Again, oxygen intake is key. Oxygen gets rid of toxicity. Bacteria, viruses and parasites are destroyed in the presence of oxygen and conversely can thrive where oxygen is not.


If our breathing is limited our bodies will store – rather than eject – the acidic toxins of fat, which leads to fat retention and unhealthy cells. In order to loose weight, or deal with any destructive behaviour, it is essential to look at the physical-mental-emotional aspects as a whole. Breath takes you deeper in order to find the core issues underpinning your actions and bodily urges.


For most of us the breath is focused mainly in our upper chests. We can very simply elevate our energy levels by moving attention down to our abdomens and consciously breathing into that area. This will not only allow more oxygen to enter the body, it will also help you to relax.

“The most effective healing mechanism is right beneath our noses.Our bodies have the answers.

Shan Herron

Mental & Emotional Health Benefits

Next to the many proven physical health benefits of Transformational Breathwork, it has various mental and emotional health benefits that are the most transformational and long lasting gifts the technique is in support of.

Using the mind to solve a mental or emotional issue can be a lengthy and often futile process. You can’t change your past by re-thinking it. In fact, the reverse is often true. The more attention we give a particular event in our past the more meaningful it seems to be and the more ‘hold’ it has over us.

Instead we need to go deeper and find the energy holding the issues in place. We need to create a shift whereby the energy can be freed and reprocessed.

During Transformational Breathwork, you will be able to drop into the deeper planes of the body and re-access your innate intelligence, which we often call our intuition.

As a result of that, you will know what you have been missing, how much you haven’t really and fully been living, but most importantly: you will know how to change.

Transformational Breathwork is a great way of gaining clarity if and when you find yourself at the end of one chapter, preparing for the next one. It accelerates change and growth in a profound way – a kind of evolution fast-track. It can provide answers to the big questions and, perhaps best of all, it is truly self empowering. You can allow yourself to be flexible and mould your life around your inner changes rather than getting stuck in the proverbial rut.

“Whether we are dealing with stress, post-traumatic stress, anxiety, depression, addictions, panic attacks, grief or anger management issues, the root cause of these phenomena points to a stepping over the threshold of one’s individual capacity to deal with the store of repressed and suppressed material. The answer lies in allowing said material to leave the body safely and easily and learning how to avoid a repetition of events.”

— Breath Guru Alan Dolan